Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday in January and this year falls on Jan. 20. MLK Day was first celebrated in 1986.
Donald Trump will celebrate his Inauguration Day today, the same day as MLK Day. How many times have the two days overlapped?
Donald Trump's second inauguration is on - wait for it - MLK Day. One of these Americans offers inspiration, and a roadmap ...
From MLK Day and a national championship in Atlanta to Inauguration Day in Washington D.C, Channel 2 Action News will have ...
President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration speech comes on the same day as the federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King ...
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
Events honoring King and advocating for his vision of a just society will occur across the nation as many in the U.S. observe ...