In order to attain net-zero goals, it’s essential to increase sustainability in the ocean shipping sector. We hear about the ...
According to a worldwide OECD survey, people in Finland have chart-topping skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving.
The Majamaja concept, a Finnish sustainable holiday village, draws its inspiration from the Helsinki Archipelago, where it is ...
What does a country sound like? Finland set out to answer this question by becoming the first nation in the world to create an official national soundscape. Plug in, press play and experience Finland ...
La sauna de ardiente vapor, tenuemente iluminada e impregnada del aroma de las hojas de abedul, es una tradición finlandesa ...
Uma sauna quente, suavemente iluminada e repleta do aroma perfumado das folhas de bétula é uma tradição finlandesa centenária ...
Para atingir as metas de net-zero, é essencial aumentar a sustentabilidade no setor de transporte marítimo. Falaremos sobre o ...
Aumentar la sostenibilidad en el sector del transporte marítimo resulta fundamental para lograr los objetivos de cero ...
Для достижения нулевого уровня выбросов углерода крайне важно добиваться повышения устойчивости сектора морских перевозок. Из ...
Il est essentiel d’accroître la durabilité au sein du secteur du transport maritime si l’on veut atteindre les objectifs de ...