Hundreds — if not thousands — attend protests throughout Strip, as Hamas warns participants they'll be treated as Israel ...
Archaeologists date tomb, apparently stripped bare by ancient grave robbers, to chaotic Second Intermediate Period, when ...
ToI's diplomatic reporter speaks about a shameful phenomenon in which mostly Haredi youth spit upon and denigrate visibly ...
Amid boycotts due to inclusion of far-right EU lawmakers, Jerusalem event features appearances from Bosnian leader facing ...
Addressing White House iftar dinner, Trump thanks Muslims for backing him in November, says US will start ‘filling out ...
Legislation changing composition of Judicial Selection Committee approved 67-1 after opposition lawmakers boycott final vote.
Launching March 28, hit show doesn't downplay Christ's Jewish roots but takes advice from a Messianic rabbi. Season Five: ...
Homeland Security says Rumeysa Ozturk, who co-authored anti-Israel op-ed in Tufts student paper, 'engaged in activities in ...
Line snakes around kosher Tel Aviv pop-up joint that celebrates US-born captivity survivor's signature hotcakes, as family ...
In first comment since Gazans began taking to streets, terror group claims demonstrations being manipulated by 'enemy and ...
Firefighters, reporter also attacked at Jerusalem demonstration; IDF officers said to fear Haredi exemption from service ...
Popular outgoing spokesman Hagari says public trust ‘is most important asset’; urges ‘all parts of society’ to enlist, in ...