Don't treat tornado watches or warnings lightly. Deadly twisters can hit in Mississippi all year. See what the weather data says about historic storms
A man was electrocuted, another killed by a falling tree and a woman was killed by a falling branch when storms came through Mississippi on Tuesday.
T​ornadoes in the U.S. typically increase sharply in spring.​ Unfortunately, a few of those can be violent tornadoes, particularly in the South. On March 3, 1966, 59 years ago today, an F5 tornado tore a 202-mile long path across central and eastern Mississippi into western Alabama.
A mammoth and multifaceted storm – which was dealing wind, fire, choking dust and the threat of a blizzard – pummeled much of the country as it marched east.
Over much of south, central and west Texas, including Austin and San Antonio and far southeastern New Mexico, there is also an extremely critical risk of wildfires.