Every DNA fragment tells a story. Forensic experts use these genetic breadcrumbs to solve old mysteries and modern crimes.
What drives a serial killer? Hardwired instincts, symbolic triggers, and ritualized predation—unraveling ancestral imprints.
Historical accounts say Betty Lathen, an enslaved woman in Monmouth County at the time, accompanied her enslaver, Arthur ...
According to The History Press, Haigh was never entirely clear about how he made his money, though he claimed to be a civil ...
The March program for the Smoky Valley Historical Association features Kansas Crimes of the 1800s. According to the ...
When Fairfax County police confronted Stephen Smerk, he was married and raising two high school-aged children in a quiet town ...
The 46-day trial of Harry Hayward in 1895 riveted the nation with its shocking surprises, even inspiring a 'murder ballad' ...
Texas can't claim the most serial killers, (looking at you Alaska), but it appears, in the 1800's, Texas did have the first ...