Organização dos Países Exportadores de Petróleo e Aliados já manifestou interesse na entrada do Brasil no grupo. Opep reúne ...
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Wednesday that U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal to resettle ...
Mexican-American relations were never as tense in recent history as they are today. The new US President Donald Trump has ...
O ex-presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), voltou a atacar a política externa do governo do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). Para o ex-mandatário, o petista está se aliando ao regime ...
Trump’s uncharitable rhetoric and less-than-civilised treatment of illegal immigrants are, at the very least, likely to fuel ...
Donald Trump’s presence is everywhere in former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s orbit. “Jair — You are GREAT,” reads ...
Once estimated as 20,000 in the territory, hundreds of illegal miners still remain and may expand business at the slightest ...
Trump’s choice of anti-Cuba zealot Marco Rubio as secretary of state reinforces the perception that the Trump administration’s foreign policy will pay special attention to Latin America, and that ...
HOJE VOU ‘COLAR’ INTEGRALMENTE A COLUNA DE Luiz Carlos Azedo, publicada pelo Correio Braziliense. É um tema internacional ...
Mexico, Colombia and Brazil are all pushing back on Trump's deportation of migrants in handcuffs or on military planes.
Brazilian officials demanded that U.S. agents remove handcuffs from a group of deportees who were flown to the South American country on Friday, with a prominent minister in President Luiz Inacio Lula ...