Sakamoto Days, inspired by Yuto Suzuki's popular manga, follows Taro Sakamoto (Matthew Mercer), an assassin who marries Aoi (Rosie Okumura) and starts "a mom-and-pop store in a quiet town." ...
What happens when the world’s greatest hitman retires to run a convenience store? Don't miss Sakamoto Days, the new anime ...
David Lynch's iconic supernatural mystery series 'Twin Peaks' was based on a real murder of a young woman New York state from ...
UK holidaymakers in the Balearic Islands and Canaries have been encouraged to swap their usual tourist traps for a lesser-known Spanish town. Estepona, an Andalusian gem, has been praised for its ...
As Mr Carter rose in politics the people of Plains began to take pride in their quiet town. Locals started to “keep their yards clean”, says Boze Godwin, the former mayor and Mr Carter’s ...
German police have shot a man dead after he stole a digger and used it to rampage through a quiet town. The man, who has not yet been identified, hijacked the digger from a construction company ...
The cast of Murder in a Small Town Where is the series Murder in a Small Town filmed? The series is filmed in the quiet town of Gibsons, British Columbia. With a rich character development and ...
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Home prices are slipping nationwide, but these places are bucking the trend. Read This Quiet Town Is the Nation’s Hottest Housing Market for the First Time Ever from Money Talks News.
Gemma is returning to the not-so-quiet town of Erinsborough to reprise her role as Kiri Durant. We haven’t seen the character since 2022 and Neighbours has teased she will make a ruffle.