The Cannabis Regulatory Agency found medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, a prohibited ingredient, in Platinum brand vaping ...
The UK Vaping Industry Association and ECigIntelligence are warning that vape bans are spreading across Europe, highlighting ...
A “TRAUMATISED” teen was told he was coughing up “pints” of blood due to a stomach ulcer after eating too many kebabs – but ...
SUPER strength nicotine pouches being sold in the UK could put young people at risk of accidental overdose, experts have ...
Chemicals, pesticides and intense concentrations are all things that may be in the liquid versions marijuana that are vaporized and inhaled.
The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has opened a clinic at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool to support teenagers in quitting vaping, add ...
One of the disposable vapes that are particularly popular with children and young people is the equivalent of about a 20-pack ...
United Independent School District (UISD) is inviting parents to learn about the dangers of vaping at a session.