The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the 13-year-old girl who was missing in Oak Creek for a week, has ...
Unmarried mother in the UAE fights for custody. Will she lose her child? Her story highlights the challenges for unmarried ...
Navigating child custody disputes can be emotionally and legally complex. When parents separate or divorce, establishing a ...
Child custody disputes are often some of the most emotionally charged and complex cases in the UK legal system. Determining ...
Over seven years ago, 7-year-old Abdul Aziz Khan disappeared without a trace from Atlanta, Georgia, along with his mother, as ...
Police arrested a woman for allegedly pointing a gun at her ex-husband during a child custody dispute at a Hondo High School ...
A child who was kidnapped from Georgia seven years ago was found safe in Douglas County, Colorado, and two people believed to ...
Vandanaben Jigarbhai Panchal, a key player in the child trafficking case, who was arrested from a slum in Ahmedabad’s ...
A man and woman from San Diego were arrested on suspicion of crimes including kidnapping, assault with a firearm and ...
The Maryland Office of the Attorney General is investigating a deadly police pursuit and crash in Capitol Heights on Friday ...
A custody bill working its way through the Utah Legislature would allow Mother’s Day and Father's Day to take precedence over ...
In the petitions filed on Friday, which were obtained by Rolling Stone, she asks the court to legally establish Musk, the ...