We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
At Vale, our objective goes far beyond mining. We want to enhance opportunities, contribute to the development of the territories where we are located and plant seeds that change realities. We are ...
On Wednesday, December 7, at Vale Day 2022, Vale presented its strategic agenda and business prospects for the coming years. The annual meeting was held in person, bringing together investors and ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. We extract ore and transport it through a ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. We extract ore and transport it through a ...
Em nossa empresa trabalhamos todos os dias com propósito. Por isso, nos novos episódios da série “Juntos para Transformar” duas de nossas empregadas contam sobre algumas de nossas iniciativas para ...
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Além da mineração, cuidamos da nossa cadeia produtiva, investindo em logística e energia para garantir a eficiência das nossas operações. Para atender à demanda mundial por minério, nossas operações, ...
Através da realização do pré-cadastro, podemos conhecer sua empresa e os materiais ou serviços que ela fornece. Após preencher e salvar o formulário, você verá uma mensagem indicando que a sua ...