The plot of Black Doves revolves around espionage, murder, and political intrigue. At the center is Trent Clark, whose reckless actions lead to a chain of devastating events. Let’s break down ...
The Clark family is headed by the matriarch Alex Clark. In the finale of Black Doves, it is revealed that it was Trent, her son, who had accidentally killed the Chinese ambassador to the UK.
Trent Clark is played by Angus Cooper, and he is portrayed as a reckless figure who ultimately sets off a chain of events that drive the series' climax. In love with Kai-Ming Chen, he accidentally ...
Netflix’s Black Doves has left the audience intrigued with the story of Helen Webb, a spy who leaks her minister husband’s secrets to an organization.
However, the truth is much different. Webb and Young discover that Trent Clark (Angus Cooper), the son of the powerful Clark crime family in London, accidentally killed Ambassador Chen (Andy ...
The series ends with Sam getting a job offer from Hector Newman to join his crime family, after Sam killed all the big players in the Clark family and now has a target on his back. Meanwhile, somehow ...
Frustrated with Reed’s constant manipulation, Helen refuses to hand over the coveted recording device she discovered last episode—which, as a reminder, depicts Trent Clark (Angus Cooper)’s ...
Here's how everything goes down in the end of Netflix's new series "Black Doves," starring Keira Knightley and Ben Whishaw ...
Here's what happened. Trent Clark killed Jason Davies to cover up the accidental murder of the Chinese ambassador. During Webb and Young's investigation into who assassinated Davies, they discover ...