The night sky over Kyiv was lit up by what some have speculated may have been a comet or meteor - shortly before Russia launched yet another series of drone strikes. With no official confirmation ...
"Congress has redefined what were formerly called 'unidentified flying objects' [UFOs] to first 'unidentified aerial ...
Joe Rogan recently hosted prominent figure in the field of unidentified aerial phenomena Jacques Vallee on The Joe Rogan Experience, expressing interest in his guest's research on 'egg-shaped objects.
UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, have been the subject of stories rather often in the pages of the Sheboygan Press.
With all the sightings of strange objects in the sky, people have been wondering for decades what these things can be.
Encourage them to document their experience separately.
A paper by Montana Tech Professor Michael Masters and co-authors from Harvard suggests 'cryptoterrestrials' piloting craft ...
Oregon, it seems, is a great place to disappear. Who among us hasn’t dreamed of a life off the grid, of leaving behind all ...
Chronicle chief reporter Jack Tolson checks out what was in the news in March 1999.PLAYFUL PUP SENDS THE KITCHEN UP IN S...
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