Outdoor Gear Exchange, which partially built its reputation on quality used gear available on consignment, is returning to ...
A Vermont police sergeant is accused of having a YouTube video playing on a computer-mounted tablet in his cruiser when he fatally hit a cyclist.
The firearm has yet to be recovered as of this writing. Anyone with information is asked to contact UVM Police at ...
The Patrick Leahy Burlington International Airport was briefly closed on Wednesday after a gas line was punctured.
A Shelburne police sergeant allegedly had a YouTube video playing on a computer tablet mounted in his cruiser when he struck ...
An officer in a Burlington County firefighters union has been accused of stealing almost $10,000 from the union, officials with the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office said Wednesday.
A $1.4 million state grant is funding a new café service at the Burlington County Library in Westampton, where students with disabilities are learning workplace skills.
A 38-year-old New Jersey firefighter was arrested and charged on Monday, March 10, with stealing $10,000 from a labor union ...
The Division A, Region 3 Boys Basketball Tournament had two semifinal games on Tuesday, March 11, at the Minot State ...
Endangered salamanders threatened by sprawling suburbs will get car-free access to small stretches of the Greater Toronto ...
According to the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office, a woman in the passenger seat of the minivan was killed.