At the Met Gala red carpet, alongside Alia Bhatt's notable presence, Nitanshi Goel, known for her role in 'Laapataa Ladies', also grabbed attention. A post from Aamir Khan Productions' official ...
Ntanshi talked about Laapataa Ladies and how she cracked the audition ... I practiced wearing the saree, putting the ghoonghat, because I had to convince them somehow that I am real life Phool.
Directed by Kiran Rao, Laapataa Ladies released in theatres in March ... (small knot tied with rice and turmeric at the end of the saree) and call it a completion journey.
"Laapataa Ladies," directed by Kiran Rao, is shortlisted for the 2024 Japan Academy Film Prize in the best international film ...
Shahana Goswami discusses the journey of 'Laapataa Ladies' to the Oscars and its elimination. Despite not making the cut, the film received significant attention and praise. Goswami reflects on ...