In just two days of official campaigning, Josh Kraft has sought to make housing a key issue in the race for Boston mayor.
After seven years in office, it’s become clear to Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace that nothing happens overnight in local ...
Mayor Danene Sorace said the presentation, which highlighted achievements and initiatives established while in office, also served as personal reflection on her leadership in the Red Rose City.
LANSING — Mayor Andy Schor is seeking a third term. The 49-year-old mayor of Michigan's capital city, the sixth-largest in the state by population, made the announcement Tuesday evening at Gregory's ...
For the first time since 1979, the City of Independence has a new mayor. Brad Spencer officially assumed that position with Marvin Johnson no longer seeking reelection last year.
Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg vetoed two resolutions that would have started the landmark designation process for Wagner's Pharmacy and Kosair for Kids. Greenberg's vetoes, the first by a ...
An open letter posted to social media by the Paintsville City Government and signed by Paintsville Mayor Bill Mike Runyon about the ongoing Opportunity Center project in downtown Paintsville has ...
Richmond-based Spy Rock Real Estate submitted an application to the Chesterfield planning department to rezone the Midlothian ...
City Council on Tuesday formally called the May 3 election for three seats on the council — none of which were challenged until Monday, when Brigette Kozash filed for a place on the ballot for mayor.
At the Mayor's announcement is Lorenzo Lopez, who says he's in full support Schor, like many other residents there. "We are here to make sure Mayor Schor wins a third term," says Lopez. Ingham County ...
You can register to vote online or on paper. Paper forms are available at public libraries and many offices, including the Department of Elections.Register Here ...