The show, starring Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope, a small town director of the Parks and Recreation department and made stars out of Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate, Chris ...
The world of Inside Out was expanded by the series Dream Productions, but will the "inbetweenquel" score a season 2 renewal?
No, Pixar's Dream Productions is not a sequel to Inside Out 2. The four-episode animated series is an 'interquel' that takes ...
Actress Amy Poehler says starring in the INSIDE OUT movies “fundamentally changed [her] life,” giving her a new outlook on ...
Actress Amy Poehler shares how her role as Joy in the 'Inside Out' films profoundly changed her life, sparking discussions on ...
Actress and comedian Amy Poehler shared that starring in the ‘Inside Out’ movies has been a life-changing experience, reported People. While attending the 12th Annual Bring Change to Mind Revels and ...
The Parks and Recreation star opened up about her role, and it looks like the Inside Out movies mean just as much to her as ...
Amy Poehler’s approach to life has been transformed inside and out—fittingly, since starring in the Inside Out movies.The actress and comedian, who voiced the character Joy in the ...
Amy Poehler shared how her Inside Out role sparked personal reflections on emotions as she attended a gala promoting mental wellness and breaking the stigma around it.
Amy Poehler credits her experience voicing Joy in Pixar's Inside Out franchise as a transformative journey, sharing how the ...
For Amy Poehler, starring in the Inside Out movies has been a life-changing experience.
Explore the respective salaries that the Parks and Recreation cast took home, including Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman, and more.