燃气专家刘晓东告诉新京报记者,无人居住的房屋同样存在燃气泄漏和爆炸的风险。入户安全检查是避免事故发生的有效途径,也是燃气公司的义务,更是《城镇燃气管理条例》的规定。但在目前法律法规下,对无人居住的房屋入户检查,“进不去”是最大的难题,需要多方努力共同 ...
最近,中央政治局召开会议,分析研究2025年的经济工作,提出实施“适度宽松”的货币政策。这是时隔14年之后,我国货币政策首次从稳健转向适度宽松。 对普通人而言,货币政策大转向,究竟会带来什么影响呢?
In a sudden breakthrough in the Syrian civil war, rebel groups rolled into Damascus on Sunday and overthrew President Bashar al-Assad, putting an end to decades of his family’s dictatorial rule. There ...
What to do when the law and basic humanity are in opposition? The Chinese internet has an answer: “Aim the rifle an inch higher” (枪口抬高一厘米, qiāngkǒu táigāo yī límǐ). The phrase is shorthand for ...
Korea’s political crisis has spurred a host of commentary and reflection in China despite censorship. While state broadcaster CCTV issued minute-by-minute updates on the crisis, censors have taken ...
以“在联合国的一天”为名的vlog,正在如电子蟑螂般,占满了社交媒体的每一个角落。“先是秀上一口流利的英语,再是在同一个机位拍照打卡,讨论的主题不是世界儿童基金会的成立,就是如何保护海洋环境。活动结束后,再配个吃联合国午餐的视频,和工作人员谈笑风生之 ...
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ daily press conference last Thursday saw the BBC verbally tag-teamed by the nationalist state-run tabloid Global Times and the ministry’s spokesperson, Lin ...
Romania’s presidential election has taken a dramatic turn. Far-right, pro-Russian ultranationalist candidate Calin Georgescu won the first round of voting on November 24, but President Klaus Iohannis ...
Code name for Zhou Yongkang, former public security chief and close ally of fallen Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai; a popular brand of instant noodles. The kāng 康 in the brand name is the ...