One factor that works against Microsoft is that many computer users are moving to mobile and, among those who did not use computers before, the first computer is a skinnerbox ("smart" "phone"), so it ...
HTTPS is becoming little but a transport layer for Chrome-like browsers, i.e. proprietary things with DRM and perhaps attestation (which means you cannot modify them; you'd get blocked for trying) Web ...
"Fedora Project Leader Matthew Miller: A change of hats!" So many self-professed liberals continue participating and driving traffic (ads) in X Tackling collective isolation and miscommunication (or ...
"The distro draws from the Open Enterprise Linux Association's (OpenELA) resources and is RHEL-compatible," says The Register. So it's sort of like a RHEL clone. Many more emerged since IBM's attack ...
Microsoft has had many mass layoffs in Africa this year. Windows is a dying platform in Africa and even Microsoft's online disservices, including search, aren't doing well.
OUR sites are run from the UK (for the most part) and hosted from the UK. We test the sites with LibreWolf /Firefox for the most part, sometimes Falkon. The latter is Free software, but its rendering ...
OUR article about "IBM's Latest Fedora Divestment" has been read by about 2,000 people today and people inside IBM recognise ...