grammaticality - "I and others" or "others and I"? - English …
In British English, I would say me and a couple of others, since others is plural and implies a longer list. I was taught that rule only applies when talking about two individuals. So, rigourously, it would be Bob and I, but that me, John and Peter is a valid as John, Peter and I. However, like the split infinitive, I think this is one of those non-rules of grammar. Almost everyone, in the ...
"I and someone", "me and someone" or "I and someone we"
I and someone is grammatical; me and someone is not strictly grammatical, but is very common; I and someone we is not grammatical, and sounds wrong to native English speakers.
grammaticality - Which is correct, "you and I" or "you and me ...
Aug 20, 2011 · As simple tip to understand which one to use, remove "you and" in the sentence, and see if the sentence is still correct (apart from the verbs that need to be changed from plural to singular).
"Alex and I" vs. "me and Alex" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Feb 12, 2015 · There are two parts to this question. 1: The difference between "me" and "I", which is indeed a matter of grammar (He gave it to me and Jack v. Jack and I went to the store). 2: Placing yourself first/last in such a construction (me and Jack v. Jack and me), which is a convention, not a grammatical rule, as suggested by Buck Naked below. #1 is indeed an issue …
Which is correct: "you and I" or "you and me"?
There's another variation "<somebody> and myself" for when the subject is "I" and the phrase occurs as the object. For example, "During tax season, I tend to drive my wife and myself crazy". Note: In common usage, "and myself" is often used incorrectly when "and I" or "and me" should be used instead.
I <verb> and am <rest of sentence> - English Language & Usage …
Dec 16, 2011 · Grammatically there is nothing wrong with it. And coordinates two of the same type of phrase; am and admire are verbs, so you're just coordinating two verb phrases: XXX is a project I [ [admire] and [am very interested in]]. If the final preposition is making it feel awkward, you could try XXX is a project I admire and in which I'm very interested.
grammar - A better way to phrase "I am ____ and am _____"
Apr 27, 2021 · I've always found the use of "am" after "and" to be strange. I believe it's grammatically correct, but in formal e-mails, for examples, I don't like the way it sounds. For instance, in an e-mail I wrote recently: "I’m alumni of Barret High school and am wondering if there’s any way I could get a hold of my transcripts from my time there?" Is there a way to get …
When do I use "I" instead of "me?" - English Language & Usage …
Aug 9, 2010 · From some comments in the answers for common English usage mistakes (now deleted, 10k only), there's confusion around the usage of I vs. me: While the sentence, "the other attendees are myself and...
"I", "me" and "myself" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
For me vs. I, see these two most excellent answers: one, two. For I/me vs. myself, see the other linked question. Have a look at the questions linked from there, too, or browse the tags "pronouns" and "reflexives". This subject has been covered extensively on this site.
When to use & instead of "and" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Are there rules of usage when using the ampersand "&" instead of "and"? Are they completely interchangeable? The ampersand seems more casual, but I'm not sure.