Are Ismaili muslims? - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · Ismaili take Salat as Faraz/ Wajib as Muslims do, yes We combine as Shia do and its also allowed, our act of performing Salat is different and correct me if i am wrong shia act of prayers differ from sunnies
Ismailis Are Muslims As Per Ayatollah Khoei - ShiaChat.com
Jan 13, 2011 · Syed Muhammad Moosavi Says Ismailis are Muslims. at JIBA (Jaffari Ithnaasheri Business Association) conference/meeting. Karachi, Pakistan. Excerpts: How far we should keep relation with Ismaili Community? We know that Muslims are now being put under two types. Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims. Ok. Ismailis are not Sunnis. Right
Are Ismaili muslims? - Page 15 - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · He was against Shia and was responsible for the killing of many thousand and thousands of Shias. As Ismailis were Shias, he was asking Ismailis to convert to his version of Islam and bear consequences. Not just the main stream Shias and Ismailis were killed, the head of Bohra Ismaili community was killed by Aurangzeb as well.
Are Ismaili muslims? - Page 5 - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · For Shia Muslims, the Wasilah - the Means/Medium of Approach - unto God is the Prophet Muhammad and the Imams of his Ahl al-Bayt after him. Even Sunni Muslims and Sufis accept the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad and some accept the intercession of the Imams and Awliya.
Are Ismaili muslims? - Page 12 - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Sign In. Forgot your password? Sign in with Facebook
Are Ismaili muslims? - Page 8 - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · Official Meaning per Nizari Ismaili documents: O Ali, Come to my rescue. O Ali, Extend to me thy help. O our Lord Ali, the Remover of All Difficulties, Remove all calamities. Dhikr: Ya Hayyuk Qayyum, Ya Aliyyul Azim, Ya Sahibuz Zaman Ya Hazar Imam. Official Meaning per Nizari Ismaili documents: O the Everliving, The Eternal! O the Most High ...
The Ismaili Ginans - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Aug 2, 2010 · “The Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims, generally known as the Ismailis, belong to the Shia branch of Islam. The Shia form one of the two major branches of Islam, the Sunni being the other. The Ismailis live in over 25 different countries, mainly in Central and South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Europe, North America and Australia.”
Whats wrong with ismaili women?! - ShiaChat.com
Nov 25, 2004 · Anyways, I hate the way everyone (Non-Muslims) looks at them and thinks "Oh, these are Muslims." I'm like NO, actually they aren't. Ok, let's forget about sects for a second, they don't even follow the major pillars and regulations of Islam that EVERY Muslim has to follow, i.e. fasting, (you mentioned this) prohibition of alcohol, etc...
Are Ismaili muslims? - Page 3 - Minor Islamic Sects - ShiaChat.com
Jul 4, 2009 · As exemplified by this hadith found in the primary Fatimid era Isma`ili collection of hadiths, Da`a'im al-Islam. I'll quote it here in full with the hopes that Isma`ili posters in
How Do The Ismailis (followers Of Aga Khan)
Dec 9, 2010 · For Shia Muslims, Muharram is a period during which celebratory events are avoided out of respect, particularly during the first ten days of the month. However, the more enduring aspects of Imam Husayn’s life continue to inspire Muslims in their daily lives — his example of commitment, selfless leadership, steadfastness in the face of ...